Sunday, August 8, 2010

A New Beginning

I am new to the blog world as of today, and I wanted share some things about myself and my family. I have two biological siblings. An older brother, Caleb, and a younger brother, Joshua,. Then comes my first adopted sibling, Gabriela. She is adopted from Guatemala. She came to us at the age of six months on July 24, 2002. Then is my soon to be sister Jenny. She is currently still in Eastern Europe while we hustle and bustle around to bring her home this fall. And last is my little Ethiopian brother, Addisu. He came home after a year and 3/4 of life in Ethiopia. My parents are Tom and Patty. The happy couple have been married for 16 years.

I love theatre and singing with a burning passion.  I do most my activities outside of school at our local theatre.
We are Roman Catholic, and very strong in our faith.  Every year I attend Camp Veritas which is coming upsoon. This camp is  a catholic camp in which we learn about our faith and do regular sleep away camp stuff.

My purpose for this blog is to help advocate for children with Down Syndrome in Eastern Europe. After they turn five years old they are placed in mental institutions and don't get taken care of very well. This is a known fact to the families involved in an adoption ministry called Reece's Rainbow. This is the ministry in which we found Jenny.

This is Jenny.

This is my family plus my older cousin Tom in the back, right.

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